Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Team work!!

What a team work today!!

My patient came out from OR with tremendously pain ( screaming and moaning pain) who had VATS. I am a very aggressive nurse. I have been giving tons of medications but not touching her... I started to think ... is she hiding something that we don't know... is she taking outside drugs or taking pain meds but she didn't report? On the same time, I have to clarify some orders from the surgeon... it just happened that he walked back to Pre-op.... I told Karen to watch my patient and asked her to give Versed..... while I was over at Pre-op, and I saw Dr. Lee and Dr. Rama.... I told them what happened..they said " just give more"..... as I walked back to my patient... Her O2 sat dropping..... I then asked Karen to help.... Kari then came to help and we started to open airway and bagging her.... I told Karen to hurry up in a calm voice.... Anesthesiologist came and Dr. Lee and Dr. Rama at the bedside..... Repositioned and open airway.... she slowly waking up.... Thanks God!! We were lauging at them... see what happened? 

Karen told me afterward It is my first time I tell her to  " Hurry up".... we can't even believe the lowest O2 sat we saw was 10%.... what? 10%.... that was quit intense to bring her o2 sat up.... we were so calm until Matt comes along..... so loud and so panic..... That is Matt!! We just had a blast time..... even with an emergency situation!! Thanks God for giving me a good teamates at work!!

Ame, Ame, Ame......

Ame, I pray that God will heal you and give the wisdom to the Dr. I pray that you will have no cancer... Bless you with peace and you will know God!! I will always here for you, dear!!

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