Sunday, December 30, 2018

Almost till the end of year!!

I haven't updated for the last 5 months... life have been busy....crazy but thankful!! Let me capture what we have been up to!


  • 6th grader.. started at Price
  • entering to youth at churc
  • serving at Kid Church
  • seriving E2 worship team


  • 4 th grader with Mrs. Craig
  • learning trumpet
  • started choir in September
Peter and Stella
  • serving in youth

I have been working with Direct to OR project... never ending

Back in Augest and visiting Seb choir's camp
 Then head to Santa Cruz

 In Law's visting

Youth beach day

Seb's birthdat party

Ethan's first day of school

Jaden's first day of school

Seb's Santa Row's performance

SF Golden bridge biking

youth small group selfie

Started to taking care of David

Roy's 40th years old birthday

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Daybreak camp ( 7/29)

Another week overnight camp....

Long talk with Ethan... God told us Ethan should go to this camp.. it is a struggle, and I understand he is homesick. I also understand God wants him to experience Him in a very unique way! A big step for the boy requires lots of courage and encouragment.  He wants to stay home in some ways and go part time... The more he talked about it.. the more he is so anxious about it!! So we just allow God to speak to him directly...

It does take a village to raise up a good kid... Jotham went up with us and dropped the kids off.. He is such a sweet boy... They were chatting non-stop on the ride, but as soon as the minute Ethan quiet down... He asked me again, " Can I leave Wednesday?" oh boy!!

Jotham is a very nice boy!! We are 
truly blessed!!

Gabriel... is also a volunteer..

The volunteer actually helped the kids to
bring it to the room... so nice

Kids.... we want to bless you to experience God... and to have fun!! We want you all to get the best out of it!! We just pray..... God will minister you throughout the trip!!