Sunday, October 22, 2017

Big Feast!!

It is our turn to go out for a nice dinner.... other ppl in fellowship watching our kids... how nice!!

Seafood feast!!

Then we went out to walk around at Fry's and Sport Basement...
Only window shopping!!

I love Ian's smile....

Before the kids go to sleep, Ethan helped Jaden for his project!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

What a productive night!

What a fun night with my hubby!!
Ready to go!!

Exercising at 24 hours fittness

Then dessert....

We ended our night with this yummy dessert.....
Then we go back to church to pick up my kids....

Friday, October 20, 2017

Lost 30 lbs...

All my hard work show......

Now I need to maintain my weight....
To have good habit of eating and exercising!!
No Junk food!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

kids love to on the phone with Ian

Look at them again.... so sweet and too cute!!

My project will find out if is approved from the ERAS committe or not.... lots of prayers... will have plenty of works afterward.... lots of changes in the unit!!

Monday, October 16, 2017


Exercise... Here i come again....

                                             So hard to go back.... but here I come....

Recommendation letter:

I helped Kari to write a reocommedation letter for her RN III..... it is not easy at all..... but thanks God I did it......

Sunday, October 15, 2017

What a fun weekend!

Weekend started with with Ninjago movie ( daddy and sons activities)

mom and daughter shopping

Jaden started doing his blog, too!!

Dinner ... Black Angus .... with Angus's family

it is always a blessing to see my kids to stay with Ian

CS Gosepel lunch

16 kids eating at my house

kids are playing and having fun!!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Ethan starts his new blog....

Ethan starts writing his new blog....

As soon as he knows Ian has his new blog...... he wants one, too........

He starts to talk to Ian ..... not only on the phone and also on Facetime!! As a mom, I feel like I am a proud mama...... so touching to see that...... bringing Jesus loves to other.... who is different... who wants to accept by others....

Setting Apart!!

Teaching kids Setting Apart from the Lord is so hard.....

So proud of Ethan......

Ethan is facing peer pressure from his friend..... sometimes it is hard to deal with his age.... wants to look "cool".....I am glad it happens at this time before going to junior high... giving us a parent to guide and teach him through..... I see his disappointment.... but that is life!! Hopefully will train him to have high EQ!!

I believe Ethan is starting to realize as a friend... why he is not treating him nicely...... he is starting to understand what does Jesus want us to be like? Am I fearing the Lord? or I want to do things on my way!!

The sermon on Sunday is totally speaking to me.... I can't change people... but all i can do is to teach my kids' their identity... in Chrst!! It is so important that knowing who we are in Christ!! Brnging this opporunity to teach them... is to guide them all they need to care is how GOd thinks about us!! Not other people.......  Is that so hard to learn for 8 and 10 years old?

Starting this week, Ethan started to walk home with his other friend!! I am so proud of him!! He is trying to figure out and expore his life!! It is a life learning... bless him to continue to experience Jesus!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mission Conference

Mission Conference with Dr. Solomon. He is truly amazing speaker. His words are very powerful.. Let me conclude the entire conference...

Day 1: Jesus said" whoeverwants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their corss and follow me"

Day 2: The main thing is to do the main thing- Mission!!Sign and wonders will follow the work of speading the gospel!!

Day 3: It is all about His grace- God's riches at Christ's expense!

I had a privilage to be part of the worship team!! What truly a privilage!! What I learned the most... is to listen to others and always looking at others... Pastor David Song... He is amazing worship leader!! The time we worship... was very sweet !!

New Updates

It has been more than a month I haven't updated.... with different activities and different schedule... it is getting more busier... kids are enjoying them... that is all the matter!!

Work is crazy..... always so busy... and doing different projects... Hopefully we finish soon and on time!!

Let me post some pics to look back for the past month....

Causal day at church

This year I got to serve at Mission Coference
what a great experience serving with the team!!
the end of Friday... realzied that I matched with Samantha....

Praise God!! more people are willing want to play with Ian..
I requested Angus and Eliza to give us a presentation... since then.. some of 
us taking turn to watch Ian at kid's church and allow Angus can 
join the Sunday Service. 

Garage Sale at Samantha's house

 Open house for Science Camp

Monday activity... While Peter stay with Jaden at tennis class
I take Ethan to speech class.....

Peter took Ethan to the football game with his friends

Ethan's b-day

Before Ethan headed to Science Camp....feed feed and feed him

Ethan is heading to Science camp.... He is a big boy!! so proud of him

Moon cake Festival.....

After he comes back from Science camp... again..
Feed and feed and feed 

Ladies out for shopping

early celebration for Ching yin's b day